
松本俊治教授 略歴
昭和48年、福島県立医科大学卒業。同年6月順天堂大学医学部外科学講座、専攻生。昭和52年5月、順天堂大学医学部病理学第一講座、助手。昭和58年8月、順天堂大学医学部病理学第一講座、講師。平成1年5月から10月、アメリカ合衆国ジョージワシントン大学・外科病理(Director: Steven G Silverberg教授)へ在外研究生として留学。平成5年9月、順天堂大学医学部病理学第一講座、助教授(医学部附属順天堂医院臨床検査部病理出向)。平成18年11月、順天堂大学医学部人体病理病態学講座(旧病理学第一)、助教授。平成19年4月、順天堂大学医学部人体病理病態学講座、先任準教授。平成20年4月、順天堂大学医学部附属練馬病院、病理診断科、臨床教授、並びに順天堂大学大学院医学研究科人体病理病態学、教授を併任。多数の論文、著書を報告し、100編以上の英文論文を国際誌に発表。専攻領域は病理診断学を中心に、肝臓病理学、婦人科病理学、膠原病・血管炎の病理、細胞診と多岐にわたる。


Professor César A. Moran
Dr. César A. Moran is the Deputy Chairman, Director of Thoracic Pathology, and Tenured Professor in the Department of Pathology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Moran received his M.D. degree from the University of San Carlos Medical School in Guatemala City, Guatemala, in 1981. He went on to complete his Residency in Anatomic Pathology at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City (1985-1988) and his Fellowship in Surgical Pathology at the Yale University School of Medicine (1988-1989), where he was Chief Resident. In 1989, Dr. Moran moved on to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, where he served as Associate Chairman of the Department of Pulmonary and Mediastinal Pathology and Chief of Mediastinal Pathology from 1991-1998 and Continuing Medical Education Consultant and Chairman of the Human Subjects Committee from 1994-1998. Dr. Moran went to the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1998 as Director of Surgical Pathology and Professor of Pathology; in 1999, he was named Associate Director of the university’s Residency Program. Dr. Moran came to M. D. Anderson in 2001 when he was named to his current positions as Director of Thoracic Pathology, and Tenured Professor in the Department of Pathology. Dr. Moran has been the Principal Investigator for several funded research projects on cancer-related pathology. He currently serves as Editor in Chief for the journal Annals of Diagnostic Pathology in addition to serving on the editorial board or as a reviewer for other journals. Finally, over the span of his career, Dr. Moran has authored more than 200 articles published in peer-reviewed journals, more than 30 book chapters, 2 books, and many abstracts and lectureships.

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